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Animated Icons With Rive

Animated Icons with Rive

Add Life to Your UI

Animation can bring your icons to life and add visual interest to your user interface. With the Rive package, you have access to a collection of 2400 animations that you can use to create custom animated icons for your Flutter apps.

Getting Started

To use Rive, you first need to install the package from Once it's installed, you can start creating your own custom animated icons. Here's a simple example:

```dart RiveAnimation.asset('assets/my_icon.riv'); ```

This code loads an animated icon from the specified file path. You can then use the `RiveAnimation` widget to display the icon in your app. The `RiveAnimation` widget has a number of properties that you can use to control the animation, such as `autoplay`, `speed`, and `loop`.

Rive is a powerful tool that can be used to create complex and engaging animated icons. With a little creativity, you can use Rive to add a touch of personality to your Flutter apps.
